
Episode 76 - Tu Lam

Tu Lam is a Vietnamese immigrant who became and elite Special Operator in the US Army. Tu founded Ronin Tactics, where he teaches military, law enforcement and civilians combat. We talk the martial arts, Japanese philosophy, immigration, terrorism and much more.


Tu Lam (Retired U.S. Army Special Forces- Green Beret)--23 Years Full Spectrum US Special Operations throughout 27 countries worldwide. Team-Leader assignments in Unconventional Warfare, Foreign Internal Defense, Special Reconnaissance, Hostage Rescue, Direct Action and Counter-Terrorism Operations in permissive and non-permissive environments. Composite Special Forces team training and development team leader. Founder/CEO and Director of Training and Research Development for Ronin Tactics Inc. 

Rōnin Tactics specializes in Law Enforcement and Military tactics training in non-lethal and lethal applications. Using concepts and directives, special weapons and tactics, empty-hand and edge weapons combative, close-quarters battle, and firearm applications both handgun and rifle. 

Tu's Website:


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