
Episode 682 - Valerie Groth and Aaron Terrill

Valerie Groth

As a child who spent her free time thinking up new invention ideas and writing short stories, Val Groth always knew she was an entrepreneur and a creative at heart but it took a winding path to lead her back to that place as an adult. Studying psychology and social work led her to become a school social worker and while she loved the work, Val grew increasingly frustrated that so many of her students faced significant challenges outside of school such as poverty, homelessness, violence, and other forms of trauma. After hearing from families that they were looking for more trauma-informed support, Val left her social work role with the intention to build a school that was focused on the holistic care that her students and their families were seeking.

Ryan Banks Academy - named in honor of a former student who was shot and killed at the age of 12 - is now open and serving Chicago students. Through her previous role as the founder and CEO of Ryan Banks Academy, Val's work has led to some pretty interesting opportunities such as when Jeff Garlin, Jack Black, and Sarah Silverman hosted an event in LA for Ryan Banks Academy - or that time when she was featured on a double decker bus and across billboards across the city as part of the I Am Chicago campaign.

Val is also the author of the book The Power of the Possible: The Dire State of Inner City Education and One Woman's Revolution to Fix It and is a sought-out speaker who has spoken alongside the former U. S. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, as well as at international conferences.

In her free time, Val has a tendency to live at the far ends of the spectrum. While she loves to spend entire weekends doing nothing but reading books and walking around Chicago, she also thrives on doing things that challenge her such as running marathons, going skydiving, or rappelling down a skyscraper. Val recently completed the manuscript for her second book entitled Girl Avenged, a psychological thriller, which she is currently querying to literary agents and hopes to publish by 2022. Post-pandemic, she looks forward to catching up on her travel bucket list - Greece is at the top of her list.

Aaron Terrill

I am a medically retired police officer of 16 years of service, including seven years as a tactical operator (SWAT). While on duty, I sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI) as I was assisting another officer who was requesting priority backup due to an altercation. Keeping a warrior's mindset, I fought every day for nearly two years to get back to work, including 10 months of intense brain rehabilitation (five days a week).

I successfully made it back to work as a police officer, as well as being reinstated on our tactical team (SWAT).

After two years of full duty, my cognitive issues along with emotional struggles I now faced every day became too much. I was medically retired in 2018.

I continued to struggle emotionally and cognitively day and night. This is when The Wounded Blue entered my life. This organization stood at my six every day and every night helping me recover and get myself back on tract and reminding me I was never alone.

After receiving help and getting myself back to who I use to be, I dedicated my life to The Wounded Blue. In 2018, I became a Peer Advocate within the organization so I to could help other officer's that were struggling like me.

In 02/2020, I was the first recipient within our organization to receive a therapy dog who would be with me at all times to help with anxiety. Within a very short period of time, I noticed a significant and positive change in my life due to my new partner. This is when I was tasked with creating the "Partner's with Paw's Program," within our organization.

The Partner's with Paw's Program provides law enforcement officers, active duty or retired, with a therapy dog that will faithfully stand at their side through the good times and the tough times, no matter what. The recipient (active duty or retired LEO) will be flown to our headquarters in Las Vegas, NV at no cost to them. The LEO/recipient will then be provided with lodging, along with their new partner in life at absolutely no cost.

Valerie’s Website: Click Here

Stella Website: Click Here

Aaron’s LinkedIn: Click Here

Aaron’s Phone Number: 517 819 1970