
Moving to the 24/72 Firefighter Schedule. A Q&A with Three Departments Who Made the Progressive Switch - Episode 1019

This unique episode is a recording of the live Q&A I hosted at the FFCA Safety and Health Conference. The panel featured three leaders from departments who had recently made the switch to the 24/72 firefighter schedule. Sleep researcher Joel Billings also joined us and discussed his 48/96 study.

They told of why they made the change, where the financing came from, the impact on recruitment and retention, the importance of courageous leadership, the results they witnessed first hand and so much more.

Hugh Bruder is a 43 year veteran of the fire service, IASIS provider and current Fire Chief of Boytnon Beach in Florida. His department made the move to 24/72 two years ago.

Dixon Phillips is a former collegiate athlete, Pasco County firefighter and union president. His department is in the process of fully transitioning to a 24/72 in 2026.

Joseph "Shawn" Hillhouse is the Deputy Chief of Gainesville Fire Rescue. His department went to the 24/72 in August of this year.

Joel Billings is a former Volunteer Firefighter, EMT and fire service researcher.

Interview Transcript: Click Here