
Episode 83 - Peter Park

Peter Park won the "World's Toughest Triathlon" three times. Peter has trained elite athletes like Lance Armstrong and co-authored "Foundation" with Dr Eric Goodman. We talk mudslides, Foundation Training, inspiring the deconditioned tactical athlete and much more.


Peter Park, Founder of the Platinum brand and co-owner of the Platinum Fitness Summerland facility in Santa Barbara County, CA, brings a past rich with his own professional athletic achievements to his 23 years of experience training elite athletes, big-screen celebrities, top touring musicians, and common citizens that are serious about their fitness, mobility, and longevity.

As a culmination of his experience, Peter recently authored a book on Foundation training, which lengthens and strengthens the back body, equaling out one’s total body strength, posture, flexibility, and overall body awareness.

Instagram:  platinumfitsb

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