
Barry Bruder - Episode 841

Barry Bruder, CEO & Co-Founder.

Launched IASIS Technologies, Inc. in January 2013 to introduce their MCN - Micro Current Neurofeedback to the world.

The driving force behind his passion are the brave women & men of our military fighting for our freedom, those in law enforcement, and fire and rescue.

With the extraordinarily high incidence of suicide, PTSD and traumatic brain injury, Bruder was determined to find, research and implement Iasis MCN as a front line defense for combating this tragic pandemic.

Also critical to Bruder are the benefits of Iasis MCN for Autism Spectrum Disorders, believed to be helpful for assisted development of the speech areas of the brain. In 2014, a University of California at San Diego, Institutional Review Board (UCSD-IRB) approved an un-funded pilot study examining the effects of the Iasis MCN intervention on Marines suffering PTSD & m-TBI (mild to moderate traumatic brain injury).

On Friday, May 29, 2015, a Veterans Administration Institutional Review Board (VA-IRB) in San Diego, CA approved recommending their Marines for the aforementioned pilot study, that Iasis MCN is a safe and efficacious technology to be tested on their men and women (given the findings to date of the pilot study).

Bruder has been invited to demo the Iasis MCN system in Israel to the Minister of Defense and his team, as well as one of the hospitals in Israel with the largest population of survivors of terror attacks in July 2015. The UCSD/VA pilot study published in Brain Injury Journal in September 2017.

In December 2017, an UCSD/IASIS/VA Merit Study was awarded to Dr. Mingxiong Huang, Ph.D. The double blind study was will take place for over a four-year period.

A pilot treatment study for mild traumatic brain injury: Neuroimaging changes detected by MEG after low-intensity pulse-based transcranial electrical... - PubMed - NCBI

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Intrerview Transcript: Click Here