
Amy Loughren - Episode 814

Up until 2003, I was a lazy Buddhist and a Trauma/ ICU/ ER Nurse who inconsistently meditated, read the occasional self help book, and was too overworked to recognize or remember my gifts. I was a single Mom, exhausted, and not seeking anything remotely resembling the metaphysical except maybe a good night's sleep with a prophetic dream. Abruptly, on a random Tuesday, everything changed. I was catapulted onto a Spiritual Quest to try and answer one question: "WHY WAS I BLIND TO A MURDERER STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME?"

In October 2003 I found out my closest friend at work was murdering people. This was a true friend I confided in, shared secrets with, and trusted with my life. I adored him. After I helped the Detectives from the New Jersey Prosecution put him behind bars, I set out on a magical path to answer my scariest question: How the hell could I love someone so dark?

The journey down the Rabbit Hole to that answer brought me face-to-face with spiritual gurus, energy healers, visionaries, and real-life, spontaneously awakened, modern day Buddhas. I read book after book and took every workshop I could find. I had set out to heal myself and in that process, I had many Spiritually Transformative Events. I also was shown my own gifts, my own team of Spirit Guides, and surprising intuitive abilities which I effortlessly access every. single. moment. of. every. day. (And YOU can learn to access your own as well!)

I now have created a life filled with abundance, exotic travels, and beautiful relationships. My amazingly full and adventurous life was created through a deep understanding of this Matrix we live in. (You can learn to FEEL this power within yourself and create YOUR dream life, too.) I DID receive an answer to my question. It was surprisingly beautiful and simple. The answer appeared loudly during an energy healing session… “Without being inspired by the intense darkness, I would not have been open to receiving all that this physical/spiritual Realm had to offer me” 🦋 The darkness in him was also in me and it was leading me to the light within this world.

I am now a Reiki Master, a Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, Meditation Instructor, DreamSculptor Practitioner, Reconnective Healer, Integrative Energy Healer, Past Life Regressionist, Crystal Language Reader, Medical Intuitive, and learned "The Work" from Byron Katie. Pulling from dozens of different learned modalities and my own special access to the other Realms, I now help others develop a unique Guidance Plan for deeper connections.

Amy’s Website: Click Here

Interview Transcript: Click Here