
Brian Hillard - Episode 898

Brian Hillard is a 25 year veteran special effects artist and CEO of Metasphere industries.

We discuss his early life, his journey into movie make up, zombie auditions, moulage and training, veteran and first responder mental health, using his special effects skillset as therapy for trauma and so much more.

With over 25-years of experience and expertise in Optimized Human Performance, Spiritual Wellness, Integrative & Complementary Care, and the film-making and creative arts industries; with his team, Brian founded metaSPHERE Industries, in late 2018. metaSPHERE Industries is a multidisciplinary Compassionate Care and Support, Optimized Human Performance Life-Training Organization. We bring to market a pioneering human performance training and support system that is highly sustainable, repeatable, and scalable – these performance systems applicable to any demographic, socioeconomic background, or profession.

In accordance with his Soul's Purpose, Brian founded his Spiritual Wellness and Optimal Human Performance Practice, (r)Evolution of SPIRIT, in late 2012. (r)Evolution has been a huge spark and jump off point for the work that he and his team did through the not-for-profit-organization, CRUSADES 22.

Founded in 2013, after the death of Navy SEAL, Chris Kyle, Brian founded CRUSADES 22 - an Integrative & Complementary Care program for active-duty military personnel, veterans, first responders and their families. During the Covid pandemic, CRUDADES 22 found themselves having to pivot due to funding and other challenges. The programs and offerings that were offered through C22 are now under the metaSPHERE Industries’ umbrella of products and services. With components and targeted program offerings that find their roots in professional and personal experiences; metaSPHERE Industries immerses each- and-every explorer into an immersive life-experience of tactical and calculated risk taking in every aspect of their life. Every soul who chooses to take on the challenge of the program will work diligently through the process of overcoming spiritual, physical, and mental blocks that may have been holding them back from experiencing this life as their most authentic selves.

metaSPHERE’s most recent program offerings, one that we deem is profound is, Face-2-Face:

metaSPHERE Industries works with participants to identify and begin to interact with their innermost demon(s) and shadow(s).

We then guide each explorer through an interpretation and integration process which allows each person the opportunity to discover, design, create, interact with, and learn from these powerful, oftentimes dubious energies.

Working with some of the top Special Make-Up Effects Artists in the film and television industry, each explorer will come Face-to-Face with their inner-most shadows and demons.

This experience is optimized, and the effectiveness of the engagement heightened, by the opportunity to be guided through trauma-informed, integrative training and coaching by members of the metaSPHERE Industries Compassionate Care & Support Team.

Through the transformational and transmutational craft (magic) of Special Effects Make-Up, metaSPHERE Industries offers an extremely powerful experience of discovery and healing. The lessons hidden in the shadows, are oftentimes the one’s that help us reconnect with the most authentic expression of ourselves.

Brian graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University is 1995, earning a double major in Exercise Science and Applied Psychology, placing the emphasis of his studies, in the area of, Sports Psychology and Optimal Human Performance. Brian is passionately committed to helping his team(s) extend the perceived boundaries of what is truly possible. The Quantum Field is open for us all to tap into fully, with passionate purpose and intention.

At metaSPHERE Industries, we don’t think out of the box. We feel there is no box to think outside of. We have exploded the box. No longer are we shackled to the perceived parameters, no longer held prisoner within the walls of the box. It is our mission to help our participants to the very same.

Metasphere Industries Website: Click Here

Interview Transcript: Click Here