
Episode 618 - Dean Stott

In everything he does, Dean draws on a colourful and dramatic personal journey. A former soldier in the Special Boat Service (SBS), his military career was ended by a parachuting accident in 2011. He quickly transitioned to the private security sector, where he carved out a reputation for being willing to take on any job, no matter how dangerous. He has since become a record-breaking explorer and adventurer, while establishing a successful career as a motivational speaker.

Dean Stott is a world-leading security consultant. From corporate assignments to UHNWIs, he has delivered bespoke security solutions at all levels, for clients including governments, presidents and royal families. He is renowned for his willingness to take on any job, no matter how dangerous – and for being the man who will go where others won't. As a result, he has successfully dealt with extortion, kidnapping, civil war, pirates and military coups. In 2014, he single-handedly evacuated the Canadian Embassy in Libya, rescuing four diplomats and 18 military personnel. For as long as the world remains volatile, Dean Stott will deliver unrivalled security expertise.

Born into a military family, Dean moved around a lot as a child – even spending time in a homeless shelter following his parents’ break-up. Like many young boys, he wanted to be a fireman when he grew up, but it was a chance comment from his father that changed his mind. “The army? You wouldn’t last two minutes!” Those seven words spurred Dean on to become a commando, then an instructor on the commando course and ultimately, a member of the Special Forces.

His dad may have been joking when he said he wouldn’t last, but Dean didn’t leave until injury ended his military career in 2011 – 16 years after he joined up.

Dean was one of the first army soldiers to make it through the gruelling, six-month Special Forces selection process to join the Special Boat Service (SBS). The next stage of his military career took him to some of the world’s toughest and most unwelcoming places – hostile environments in which his life and the lives of others were constantly under threat. This real-world experience, in tandem with his elite Special Forces training, is what enables Dean to do things that terrify normal people. Today, he continues to live by the Special Forces ethos: The Unrelenting Pursuit of Excellence.

In 2016 Dean began training for the biggest challenge of his life. His plan was to cycle the entire 14,000-mile length of the Pan-American Highway (PAH), the longest motorable road in the world. There was just one problem. Despite his long military career and proficiency with a huge range of vehicles and weaponry, he had never cycled more than a few miles. But Dean believes in the ability to adapt to new challenges; in having the confidence to overcome the insurmountable. Together with his wife Alana, he prepared to do more than just complete the ride. He was going to do it faster than anyone had ever done it before.

He passed through 14 countries on his expedition, cycling for an average of 10 hours per day. He experienced extreme terrain from the Atacama Desert to the mountains of Alaska. He even rode through a tornado. In the final stretch, he rode for 17 hours and he covered 340 miles on his longest stint.

In May 2018, he completed his journey, gaining not one but two world records: the fastest person to cycle the length of South America and the fastest cycle journey of the Pan American Highway. With his final time of 99 days, 12 hours and 56 minutes, Dean smashed the former world record by 17 days and became the first person ever to make the journey in under 100 days.

Since leaving the SBS, Dean has learned what it means to start again. Passionate in his belief that anyone can improve their ability to adapt to new challenges, he represents an incredibly versatile partner for brands, businesses and charities – especially in today’s fragmented media landscape. So in many regards, it’s not what Dean has done that’s exciting. It’s what he’s going to do next.

Dean’s Website: Click Here