
Episode 570 - Ryan Parrott II

Founder, President & CEO, Ryan “Birdman” Parrott, served eight years as a U.S. Navy SEAL, attached to Team SEVEN, completing three combat tours to Iraq. In 2005, Ryan was manning the turret gun of a Humvee in enemy territory when his vehicle was hit by an improvised explosive devise (IED), causing a flash fire and throwing him from the vehicle. With his face and arms on fire, Ryan witnessed team members suffer devastating burn and blast injuries.

After completing his service, Ryan moved to Dallas. Meeting other Veterans in the area who suffered serious burn injuries, Ryan was discouraged that burn medicine and technologies were not advancing the same way that amputees benefit from incredible innovations made in prosthetics.

Searching for better answers, Ryan realized that traumatic burns significantly impact not only the military community, but fire fighters, first-responders and civilians as well. Ryan realized his calling and established Sons of the Flag.

Ryan’s latest project entitled “The Human Performance Project” is an 18 month long quest to create a guide for both physical and mental excellence. In January 2023, Ryan and his team of some of the greatest minds on the planet will embark on 7X. This feat of human endurance will involve a base jump, marathon and swim in seven continents in seven days. The next phase will be to apply all of the research from the previous year to effectively “reboot” the broken tactical athlete.

The pinnacle of this project is a docuseries and book that will not only detail this incredible journey but to become a guide for military, first responders and civilians to prepare for and thrive in their chosen occupations.

The Human Performance Project Website: Coming Soon!

Ryan’s Instagram: Click Here

Sons of the Flag Website: Click Here

The Birds Eye View Project Website: Click Here