
Kevin Adler - Episode 856

Kevin F. Adler is an award-winning social entrepreneur and the author of the new book, When We Walk By, a must-read guide for ending homelessness in America.

Since 2014, Kevin has served as the Founder and CEO of Miracle Messages, a nonprofit that helps people experiencing homelessness rebuild their social support systems and financial security through family reunification services, a phone buddy program, and the first basic income pilot for unhoused individuals in the US, backed by and as part of a $2.1 million randomized control trial led by researchers at USC. Kevin’s pioneering work on homelessness and relational poverty has been featured in the New York Times, Washington Post, PBS NewsHour, Los Angeles Times, CNN, on a billboard in Times Square, in his TED Talk, and in his groundbreaking (and hopeful) new book, When We Walk By: Forgotten Humanity, Broken Systems, and the Role We Can Each Play in Ending Homelessness in America.

Kevin is also the author of Natural Disasters as a Catalyst for Social Capital, a book that explores how shared traumas can unite or divide communities. An in-demand public speaker, Kevin has given talks at The Commonwealth Club, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, Google, UC Berkeley, and more. Kevin has been honored as a Presidential Leadership Scholar, TED Resident, MassChallenge winner, SXSW Community Service Award winner, Singularity University Graduate Studies Program participant, and Rotary scholar, for which he served one year in Oaxaca, Mexico. Prior to his work tackling homelessness, Kevin co-founded three education technology startups: (acquired), Entangled Group (acquired), and BetterGrads (nonprofit).

Kevin received his MPhil in sociology from the University of Cambridge and his BA in politics from Occidental College, where he was the 2018 Young Alumnus of the Year and where President Obama's favorite professor said, "in 40 years of teaching, Kevin is the single best student I’ve ever had." Motivated by his late mother’s work teaching at underserved adult schools and nursing homes, and his late uncle’s 30 years living on the streets, Kevin believes in a future where everyone is recognized as invaluable and interconnected.

Kevin’s Website: Click Here

Miracle Messages Website: Click Here