
Episode 179 - Joshua Dukes

Joshua Dukes is a Maui FD firefighter and father of Trucker Boy Dukes, who lost his battle against neuroblastoma at only 3 years old. We discuss Joshua's early life, Trucker's love for the fire service, his courageous battle, grieving, cancer research, USVC and much more.


On March 3, 2017, Trucker Dukes, a 3-year-old honorary New York City Fire Fighter died in his mother’s arms. Trucker, born on the island of Maui, Hawaii, fought against Neuroblastoma since the age of 19-months and traveled to NYC with his mom, Shauna Dukes, for treatment. Trucker befriended many FDNY fire fighters and would visit their fire houses after his cancer treatments. His father, Joshua Dukes, is a Maui Fire Fighter and stayed in Hawaii to work and care for his three older children.

To honor their fallen brother, FDNY fire fighter's began writing Trucker’s name on their “riding lists” on the day he passed. Lists on the wall of the many fire houses had Trucker working different assignments throughout New York city. Photos of the boards where shared on social media with the hashtag “#TruckerRidesWithUs."

In his short three years of life, Trucker Dukes has touched the lives of so many world-wide. Shortly after their son's death, the Dukes family headed on the road on an RV trip across North America with their three older children. They are reconnecting and healing after a 2.5 year battle with cancer. Trucker had Neuroblastoma and touched the lives of so many during his brief life. The Dukes are performed "Random Acts of Kindness" in Trucker's name along their RV road trip.

Team Trucker Website:

UVSC Website:

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