
Episode 137 - Greg Amundson

Greg Amundson has spent his career in Law Enforcement including the DEA. He is also the original Crossfit "Firebreather", when it was in its infancy. We discuss the event that changed his training forever, coaching, martial arts, his faith and much more.


Greg Amundson is a graduate of the University of California at Santa Cruz, the US Army Officer Candidate School, South Bay Regional Public Safety Academy, and the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Federal Academy. Greg started his CrossFit training in December 2001 at the original CrossFit Headquarters gym in Santa Cruz, California. As an Athlete at the first CrossFit gym, Greg was coached and mentored by CrossFit Founders “Coach” Greg and Lauren Glassman for over seven years. Greg was also a former owner of the worlds first CrossFit gym on Research Park Drive in Santa Cruz, CA.

Greg is a frequent contributor to the CrossFit Journal and was a founding instructor at the CrossFit Level I Certificate Course. Greg is the creator and lead instructor of the CrossFit Goal Setting Course, the CrossFit Law Enforcement Application Course, a Lead Instructor for the CrossFit Kettlebell Trainer Course, and the originator of the apparel company Firebreather Athletics. Greg works for CrossFit Inc. as the Law Enforcement Liaison. In this capacity, Greg coordinates and leads the CrossFit Law Enforcement Summit and the CrossFit Law Enforcement Seminar.

Greg travels extensively, teaching CrossFit and Goal Setting around the world. Greg is a Krav Maga Black Belt and honor-graduate of the prestigious Los Angeles Police Department Handgun Instructor School (HITS), and serves as an adjutant instructor for Krav Maga Worldwide on the FORCE Training Division for Military and Law Enforcement. Greg is the Fitness Expert for the internationally esteemed Law Enforcement publication and training group Calibre Press.

Greg is the author of the best selling books The Warrior and The Monk, Your Wife is NOT Your Sister, Firebreather Fitness and God In Me – Daily Devotionals For A Heart Like Christ. Greg is a contributing author and speaker on the world renowned Eagle Rise Speakers Bureau and a head coach for Unbeatable Mind and Kokoro Yoga with Commander Mark Divine.

Greg served in both State and Federal Law Enforcement for over fourteen years. Greg served in numerous capacities to include SWAT with the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office, and as a Special Agent (SA) with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) on the Southwest Border. Greg was the DEA Liaison to the highly regarded Border Enforcement Security Task-Force (BEST) Team. Greg also served as a US Army Captain as a TAC Officer (Teach – Access – Counsel) where he instructed combatives, fitness and leadership at the United States Army Officer Candidate School at Camp San Luis Obispo, CA. Greg currently serves as a Reserve Peace Officer and Law Enforcement Chaplain (a Warrior Monk) in Santa Cruz, CA.

Greg Amundson has been featured in numerous magazine articles and books including features in Competitor Magazine, Mens Health, WOD Talk Magazine, Outside Magazine, Inside The Box Magazine, Santa Cruz Good Times, and Police Magazine. Greg’s contributions to CrossFit and the Law Enforcement community have been chronicled in the bestselling books Inside The Box, Kokoro Yoga, and Learning To Breathe Fire. Greg is the founder of “The Greg Amundson Show” on iTunes which is a Podcast dedicated to understanding God’s Word through the perspective of the Modern Day Warrior. Greg is currently pursuing a Masters of Divinity at Western Seminary in Milpitas with an emphasis on Law Enforcement and Military Chaplaincy.

Greg’s website:

Greg’s Books:

The Warrior and the Monk

God in Me

Your Sister is not your Wife

Firebreather Fitness

United States Army National Guard Officer Candidate School: Tips for Success

Recommended Books:

The Bible

Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

As a Man Thinketh - James Allen