
Episode 672 - Shauna Dukes

1”My name is Shauna Dukes.

I have been married for 17 years and still think my husband is hot! He is! We live in Hawaii, and are super blessed to call these magical islands home.

I love Jesus. My life would look a lot different without his example of sacrificial love & grace.

I gave birth to 4 beautiful humans which I love more than I ever thought was possible. They bring me so much joy!

I lost my baby to cancer in 2017, when he was 3 years old which was the hardest thing I can imagine living through. He is my hero. If you would like to read more about this part of my life click here. https://shaunadukes.com/2021/05/28/tragic-beauty-finding-gifts-amongst-the-ashes/

I am a NTP(Nutritional Therapy Practitioner), Life Coach, Author, LMT(Licensed Massage Therapist), and lover of all things holistic. I love educating and helping people with their health journey’s, both physical and mental.

I am a total goofball and am known for my really loud laugh. I love to laugh and think everything is funny! Sometimes this gets me in trouble.

I have great hair, but don’t look at my toes. You can’t have it all.

I love people and people-watching. They fascinate me.

I love life! I have SO much to be grateful for.

I like inappropriate memes, and occasionally dropping an f-bomb feels really good. Anyone with me?

I love aging! Call me crazy but I feel more beautiful and have more confidence now in my forties than ever before. I would not trade the wisdom I have for my youth.

I love real, nutrient dense food, a good cup of coffee in the morning, sipping a dirty martini with organic vodka and extra blue cheese stuffed olives, and am kinda famous for my fresh squeezed lilikoi + jalapeno margaritas.”

Shauna’s Website: Click Here