
Anarctic Fire Angels - Episode 756

Georgina Gilbert

George is co-founder of the Antarctic Fire Angels and Team Leader of the Wales team known as WAFA. She has been a firefighter for 20 years and currently serves with South Wales Fire and Rescue service. George is an ambassador for gender equality and has an ambition to see more women striving to do whatever job they want to do in life; always ensuring she is visible as a role model for young women wanting to embark on a career that doesn’t fit society’s stereotypes.

She loves competing at high level and qualified to represent Great Britain’s Age Group Triathlon Team; she enjoys scaling mountains such as Elbrus and Kilimanjaro and is also head spokesperson for the ‘HeForShe’ campaign working towards gender equality for all. George has also recently been nominated for ‘Most Influential LGBT and individual in the Fire Service’ by Excellence in Fire and Emergency.

Becky Hinchley

In 2013 Becky started serving as a Royal Military Policewoman and spent 6 years in the British Army before realising her dream of becoming a firefighter. She does so now with Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service, and her passion to help others has allowed her to raise awareness in the community whilst delivering an emergency response.

Most recently she loves that she has been able to help throughout the pandemic; working on Covid wards, volunteering in vaccination centres and offering help to vulnerable people in her community.

Becky still serves in the British Army as a Reservist vehicle mechanic alongside not only her firefighting career, but also her position in the Antarctic Fire Angels team. She is excited to be part of the team and hopes to inspire a generation to realise their full potential and know that no matter the barriers, a goal can always be achieved by being brave and taking the first step.

Rebecca Openshaw-Rowe

From playing international sport to working in typically male dominated environments Bex knows no boundaries when it comes to gender stereotyping and reaching success. She has rowed for Great Britain, competed in the Rugby World Cup and Six Nations for Wales and has won numerous world championships in ‘surf life saving‘ and has even broken world records in this event. In November 2017 her sporting career was cut short due to a multiple ligament rupture in her knee after playing a game for Harlequins.

At the age of 37 she became a firefighter, fulfilling a lifelong ambition after leaving her previous job as a PE teacher. Changing her career so late in life was a huge risk but her guts and determination to persevere means it has been the best decision she ever could have made.

Nikki Upton

Nikki knew from the moment she met a female firefighter at a London Fire Brigade open day that this was the job she wanted to do and in 2009 she did just that. She is also a qualified Level 3 personal trainer and spinning instructor, and loves helping people realise their full potential.

Nikki has a drive to compete in challenges, whether that involves a 10k swim, 75 mile bike ride or a boxing fight in front of 1200 people. She recently travelled to Tajikistan to teach rope rescue to women wanting to become the first female rescue responders. Nikki was so inspired and in awe of their determination she hopes to return soon.

Antarctic Fire Angels Website: Click Here