Episode 505 - Rich Rice, Jason and Emily McCarthy


Jason McCarthy

Jason enlisted in the Army after 9/11 because of 9/11 and served in Special Forces in Iraq and the Sahel region of West Africa. In 2007, while visiting Emily in war-torn West Africa, Jason built Emily a “go-ruck” for her to keep in her vehicle and at home, ready to go at all times. This was the origin of what is now GORUCK.

Emily McCarthy

Former Central Intelligence Agency case officer, Emily McCarthy, served her country on the frontlines of the Global War on Terrorism. In the years following 9/11, she operated in war-torn Africa where she was responsible for recruiting human sources and collecting intelligence in the interest of national security.

Richard Rice

Richard retired from the U.S. Army as a Special Forces Senior Non-Commissioned Officer in 1994 after 30 years of service. The last 25 years of which were spent in various Special Operations Forces (SOF) assignments. He was a Program Coordinator, Director and Vice President at Fayetteville Technical Community College from 1994 to 2015.

GORUCK Website: Click Here

Chad 1000x Website: Click Here