Episode 168 - Chief David Rhodes

Chief David Rhodes is a 33 year veteran of the fire service and the Chief Elder aka "Smoke Daddy" of the Georgia Smoke Diver Program. We discuss ownership, leadership, physical fitness, stress inoculation and much more.

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Chief David Rhodes is a 33-year fire service veteran. He is a chief elder for the Georgia Smoke Diver Program, a member of the Fire Department Instructors Conference (FDIC) Executive Advisory Board, a hands-on training coordinator for FDIC, an editorial advisor for Fire Engineering and the UL Fire Safety Research Institute, and adjunct instructor for the Georgia Fire Academy.

He is a Type III incident commander for the Georgia Emergency Management Agency-Metro Atlanta All Hazards Incident Management Team and is a task force leader for the Georgia Search and Rescue Team. He is president of Rhodes Consultants, Inc., which provides public safety training, consulting, and promotional assessment centers.

Georgia Smoke Diver Website:


Indian Smoke Diver Website:


Chief Rhodes’ Email:


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