Behind the Shield Podcast with James Geering

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Suzanne Stein - Episode 864

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I am a social documentary/street photographer currently in New York City. I think of myself as a social realist and feel driven to present life as I see it unfolding. I feel very strongly that, as a photographer, it is vital to photograph everything in my sphere as honestly as possible. The world is changing rapidly, and photography done in public places can serve as a critical record. I believe in visual narration and storytelling and find that the world around us presents many scenes that are almost like little fables, short narratives that I hope can resonate with a variety of viewers. I love to take pictures, and embrace change as an important facet of my life as an artist.

There are so many moments....big ones, little ones, light and airy one minute and then heavy and despairing the next. I feel that it is imperative to photograph everything, and I include in my images of the street subject matter which is at times hard to look at. I have photographed in Los Angeles extensively, with a special interest in the people who live on Skid Row. I have been honored to photograph the people of Skid Row and have been forever changed by my interactions and shared moments with them. I am especially interested in photographing aspects of daily life in a realistic, straightforward manner that presents the reality of lives lived without pretense.

I feel strongly about social justice issues and am highly motivated to present visual narratives that highlight these complexities as they appear in our day-to-day lives. I am a single parent and former figurative artist. I was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and have lived in many places since. I eventually found myself in Southern California, raising my son on my own . We had many highs and lows, and navigated life on our own for years, sidestepping a few unexpected disasters but always savoring the many special moments life brought us.

I never once considered using a camera for anything other than snapping pictures of my son as he moved through his life and was blindsided completely when I fell in love with chasing strangers with my new iPhone while on a trip to Europe in Summer 2015. I bought my first real camera as soon as I returned from Europe. The limitless potential and expressive power of photography is endlessly captivating and has enabled me to use the challenges and difficulties I have faced in my own life to tell the stories I see around me.

Suzanne’s Website: Click Here