Behind the Shield Podcast with James Geering

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Episode 585 - Norman Penny

Spanning three decades in the Canadian Armed Forces, both as a combat solider in the Army and as an Air Force Search and Rescue Technician ( SAR Tech), Norm Penny has walked a path of service for his country all the while balancing physical, mental, and emotional challenges that encompass such a spectrum of service.

Early to serve, Norm would find himself in a war zone in the former Yugoslavia that would change the views of a young man’s outlook on life. A career in the Canadian Army lead to experience and leadership that would prove valuable throughout his time of service and provide a base both physically and mentally for a transfer to a transfer to the Royal Canadian Air Force in the conduct of Pararescue operations as SAR Tech.

From United Nations and NATO operations abroad, to Parachuting out of a CC130 Hercules to a down airplane in an austere northern crash site in order to render assistance, Norm Penny has lead a career of sacrifice for this Country and to those in distress.

Recognized nationally by his country, Norm is the recipient of the Star of Courage and the Medal of Bravery and has recently been inducted into the Order of Military Merit.

Norman’s Instagram: Click Here