Behind the Shield Podcast with James Geering

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Episode 544 - Rachel Vickery

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Rachel Vickery is a Human Behaviour and High-Performance Consultant, optimising performance, culture, communication and resilience in high pressure, high-stress and high stakes scenarios. She consults with Professional and Elite athletes, coaches and organisations; and other high-performance arenas including C-suite execs, trauma and emergency medicine personnel, elite military teams and tactical professionals as examples.  In the sports world Rachel has worked with individuals and teams in the NBA (Golden State Warriors USA), the NRL (Melbourne Storm and Sydney Roosters) and the AFL (Brisbane Lions and Adelaide Crows) and numerous National, Olympic and World Champion level athletes, coaches and organisations from NZ, Australia and the USA.  She was an elite Gymnast on the New Zealand team for 6 years (Commonwealth Games and World Championships) before qualifying as a Sports Physiotherapist, then adding a few more qualifications to the toolkit to transition to her current field.  


Rachel believes that life factors and doing essential prevention and intentional preparatory work away from the environment where performance is needed impacts performance in high-pressure scenarios far more than applying coping skills at that moment. “Consistent, high performance under pressure comes from working on becoming a better well-rounded Human, rather than merely focussing on excellence in tactical or technical skills. There is a big difference between a reactive process of “fixing broken”; and intentionally setting people, cultures, and systems up for excellence and success. To be successful at that takes congruence and alignment right from the top”.


Rachel’s Website: Click Here