Behind the Shield Podcast with James Geering

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Episode 273 - Dr Ben Abo

Dr. Ben Abo is an emergency medicine & EMS physician, paramedic, and the medical director for the elite Venom One & Venom Two response teams of Miami-Dade Fire Rescue and Lake County Fire Rescue in Florida. Ben has extensive experience treating and consulting on snakebites around the country as well as internationally.

In addition to being a renowned public speaker, Ben has authored numerous book chapters and recently published the first Wilderness EMS textbook. He is a Fellow in the Academy of Wilderness Medicine and took time off between medical school and residency to start a non-profit in Africa aimed at decreasing maternal and neonatal mortality and trauma.

Instagram @benabo

Facebook: Benjamin Abo

Snakebite Foundation Website:

Recommended Books:

Wilderness EMS - Seth C. Hawkins

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly Paramedic: Growing the Good, Breaking the Bad & Undoing the Ugly in Paramedicine - Tammie Bullard

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The Venom Interviews

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