Behind the Shield Podcast with James Geering

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Episode 117 - Dr Allison Brager

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Dr Brager is a neurobiologist serving as an active duty Army officer with expertise in sleep and chronobiology. She has worked with human and animal models of study.  She has had continuous, independent research support from the National Institutes of Health and National Academy of Sciences for ten years. This work has examined genetic and environmental regulation of sleep and circadian rhythms and their relevance to resiliency to stress.

Dr Brager has undertaken substantial leadership and service for professional research societies and university departments. Most recently, she is Chair of the Public Advocacy committee for the Society for Research of Biological Rhythms and was Chair of the first-ever Gordon Seminar Series on Sleep Regulation. She has served on the Board of Directors of the Sleep Research Society as the Trainee Member-At-Large to implement and organize scientific and professional development programs for undergraduate and graduate students.

Third, Dr Brager served as President of the department's graduate student council where she was involved with departmental admission, job searches, and graduate student affairs. In addition to 15+ original research publications, she has a popular neuroscience blog acknowledged by the Society for Neuroscience, have written op-ed and column pieces for Science and professional society bulletins.

Dr Brager's Webpage:

Dr Brager's Book - Meathead

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