Behind the Shield Podcast with James Geering

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Episode 90 - Dan Severn

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Severn began his career in the fight game as a Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestler. He quickly became a top high school and collegiate wrestler capturing many titles, honors, and several national and world titles. As a high school wrestler Severn was a two-time national champion and set eight national records in his career. Dan was inducted into Arizona State University’s Wrestling Hall of Fame at the end of his prestigious collegiate career. He was even the 1984 Olympic Alternate for the United States Wrestling Team.

After completing his degree program and graduation, Dan continued on a quest to be the best amateur wrestler in the world. Numerous competitions from 1982 to 1994 took him to Japan, Hungary, Cuba, France, and Turkey. On each trip, Severn captured another title. Dan secured 13 National AAU(Amateur Athletic Union) wrestling championships during those years. He also coached wrestling at Arizona State University and Michigan State University as he continued to compete and excel after his collegiate career. In 1994, this distinguished athlete stepped into “The Octagon” for the first time. The octagon is a 6’ high steel cage that is the focal point of the Ultimate Fighting Championships. The UFC is a no holds barred competition where athletes display their skills in a full contact event. This sport is the only event that pits athletes of different disciplines against one another. In the beginning there were few rules: no biting and no eye gouging.

Through the years more rules have been added to the event to help the promoters work with the athletic commissions around the country. A bout is ended by a KO, TKO, athlete tap out, referee stoppage, or the towel being thrown. Severn easily established his place among the best fighters in the world with his awesome competitive fire to be the best. The Beast’s world class wrestling skill, commitment, and desire provided the foundation for his success. Severn knew he needed to continue to improve his arsenal, so he added black belts in the sports of Sombo, Judo, and Jui Jitsu to his athletic expertise. In addition to being technically skilled and feared by his opponents, Dan is undeniably popular with the public. His athletic abilities and charisma with the fans have created a bond with supporters of this controversial sport. Severn always enters the arena to thousands of fans chanting “Beast”! Severn, through his notoriety in the UFC, stepped in a different ring in 1998. The World Wrestling Federation wanted to capitalize on Severn’s skills.

Dan wrestled weekly for the WWF as he continued a grueling schedule of appearances, seminars, and no holds barred fighting. He is known around the world as the most active competitor in sports today, competing for over 30 professional wrestling organizations, 12 fight promotions, and speaking engagements. Dan also held the National Wrestling Alliance(NWA) heavyweight title in the professional wrestling ranks for longer than any other previous NWA champion. He has over 95 state, national, and international wrestling titles under his belt, and in 1999, reached a milestone by competing in his 4000th match. Dan is a 2-time NWA Heavyweight Champion, one of the most prestigious Championships in the history of professional wrestling, ranking amongst the top ten of all time. Also in 1999, Dan created a Mixed Martial Arts promotion called “The Danger Zone” and currently showcases tremendous fight cards around the country. This promotion is geared around the amateur fighter to help develop a backbone to the sport. Professional bouts and amateur tournaments are all part of “The Danger Zone.”

In 2004, Dan created “The Dangerzone: Defensive Tactics,” where he travels around the country training law enforcement officers about various ground techniques to protect them further from possible hostile situations. See our “Services” page for further details. The future of this renaissance man is unlimited. Dan has been profiled in the press around the world in such publications as USA Today, People, Karate and Kung Fu Illustrated, Black Belt Magazine, MAD, Full Contact Fighter, and many of the pro wrestling publications. The Internet is full of the Beast’s accomplishments, as well as his official web site. Severn also runs a wrestling product company and holds annual wrestling clinics for kids of all ages. He has appeared on 48 Hours, 20/20, The Gordon Elliot Show, Nash Bridges, and many commercials. Dan has been instrumental in introducing fighters into the UFC, including a two-time tournament champion, Don Frye. He also introduced the first female no holds barred fighter in the U.S. to the world. She is now the number one ranked fighter on the scene today.

Severn built a 10,000 square foot training facility on his property in Michigan. This facility is able to house and train individuals for martial arts, amateur wrestling, professional wrestling, or the fight game. This facility is a haven for athletes to train and gain the knowledge that the Beast has to offer. With all the success and attention, Severn remains humble and down to earth. Dan has strong ties to the community in Coldwater, Michigan and is a good role model for children. His motto is “Not only do you need to build a strong body, but you must also build a strong mind to enhance it”.

Dan's Website:

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