Behind the Shield Podcast with James Geering

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Episode 75 - Steve Kibler

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Steve Kibler is an Engineer with Orange County Fire Rescue, Florida.  Steve lost his son, Camden, to Leukemia at the age of 5 months.  In this episode, we talk about the gift of life, loss, needing your tribe, gratitude and much more.

After the interview, Steve sent me this message:

I forgot so many things that talk about but one of the most important ones was the fact that “Nurse Sarah” stayed in contact and she switched to labor and deliver and was the nurse that help deliver Kendall. So she was the first person to take care of Camden when he got sick and watched him leave this world and the first to watch Kendall come into this world and care for Kendall.

Steve's St Baldrick's webpage:

Recommended books:

Ivy and Bean - Annie Barrows

Catch 22 - Joseph Heller

The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

The Angel with the Golden Glow - Elissa Al-Chokhachy


Recommended Movies:

Dr Strangelove



American Sniper

Interview Transcipt: Click Here